ImagineS has developed qualified processing lines able to process multi-sensor (Proba-V & Sentinel-3) data to generate global biophysical products at 300m resolution. The aim is to contribute to the evolution and continuity of the Copernicus Global Land Service by integrating the ImagineS processing lines into the operational production unit.
In details, ImagineS objectives were:
- Investigating multi-sensor (Proba-V, Landsat-8 as proxy of Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-2) and multi-scale (300m & 30m) biophysical variables (LAI, FAPAR, FCover, Albedo) retrieval in view to exploit Sentinel sensors data
- Developing qualified software able to ingest and process multi-sensor data at the global scale on a fully automatic and reliable basis
- Complement and contribute to the existing or future agriculture services by providing new data streams relying upon an original method to assess the vegetation above-ground biomass based on the assimilation of the satellite products, using either regional or global LDAS infrastructures, in order to monitor the crop/fodder production together with the carbon and water fluxes.
- Demonstrating the added value of this contribution for a community of users acting at global, European, national, and regional scales.
Further, ImagineS has served the growing needs of international (e.g. FAO and NGOs), European (e.g. DG AGRI, EUROSTATS, DG RELEX), and national users (e.g. national services in agro-meteorology, ministries, group of producers, traders) on accurate and reliable information for the implementation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, of the food security policy, for early warning systems, and trading issues. ImagineS has also contributed to the Global Agricultural Geo-Monitoring Initiative (GEO-GLAM) by its original approach which can monitor crop and fodder production together with the carbon and water fluxes and can provide drought indicators, and through links with JECAM (Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring).